Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I'm gonna write a personal check, and in the memo line, I am writing "Unfair."

  • Nol hit 23, which...doesn't really mean anything. No new spells...but he got some nice robes to drop. Oh, and his conjure food/water stuff went up.


  • Idachi went to Blood Furnace for the first time last night. Didn't get much there, but I walked away with 18 gold, so it's hard to complain.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

You used me...for land development! That wasn’t nice!

  • Idachi hit 62 yesterday afternoon, I just forgot to say anything. Oops. Crusader Aura is truly the beez kneez.
  • Hanryn went up two levels since the last update, so now he's 16! He finally got his first big heal. They grow up so fast!
  • Zyre (remember him?) hit 13 today out in the Blood Elf starting area. I figured I might as well kill two birds with one stone and make him grind/raise Silvermoon rep at the same time.


  • Idachi is now a Master Herbalist! She's not too far into it yet (only 309), but she'll soon be able to pick any Outland herb out there.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

It's like, 'how much more black could this be?' and the answer is none. None more black.

  • Lil' Hanryn hit 14 today, which means he got all sorts of goodies...mainly Psychic Scream and a fancy new Renew. I can't find any advice as to what's worthwhile in the Holy tree and what's useless, so I'm kinda flying by the seat of my robes with this guy's spec. Most people, when they hear I've rolled a Priest after the 2.0 patch, cringe and tell me there's no point now that Druids and Paladins heal for more. Of course, lots of people I talk to are shadow priests, so I don't value their opinions anyway. I don't listen to the following when it comes to healing: Feral Druids, Shadow Priests, Retribution Paladins, and one of those Shaman trees...I don't remember.


  • Hanryn has started tailoring as his second proffession (berbalism is his first). It's nice to make robes that could replace my old 10 Armor level 8 [Robes of Ass] (I don't exactly remember the name of the robes).
  • Also, people keep bugging me as to why take herbalism and not alchemy. You see, until you hit about 270 in alchemy, you're going to make more money with herbalism. When you start out, you can make crappy healing potions that sell for 2 silver for a stack of 5, or you can take all that Peacebloom and Silverleaf and sell their stacks for about 20-3o silver on the auction house, and once you start picking up Earthroot, a stack tends to sell for 7o silver to 1 gold sometimes, which is great for such a low level.

Monday, January 22, 2007

I am though if you'd listen! I'm casting Magic Missle!

  • Shendir hit 43 last night! Yay!
  • Hanryn hit 13 last night too! Also yay!


  • Idachi's new goal: Run Hellfire Ramparts until this drops. Best. Belt. Evar.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Actually, jazz is like the New Coke, it'll be around forever. Heh, heh, heh.

  • After turning in many a quest and listening to the sheer stupidity that is Hellfire Peninsula General Chat for the past few days, Idachi is now level 61! 61's good and all, but I can't wait for 62! Fancy new spells and whatnot!
  • Hanryn also hit 12 today! He's a mighty cool little bugger. Already headin' up the holy tree faster than a green snake up a sugarcane! (Or whatever it is that Hermes always says).

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I'm not moving again. People here grudgingly accept us. That's rare.

  • Hanryn's had a great start today in the fancy pants Blood Elf world. He's up to level 9 at the time of writing.


  • Idachi was invited to WoL's first ever run to Hellfire Ramparts and won the need roll for [Heart Fire Warhammer]. My first blue drop, and it's already better than [The Unstoppable Force]! I am quite surprised that I'd be replacing the tUF so quickly, but that's what the Burning Crusade's all about.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

And it may sound easy, but nothing could be harder. It will test your head, and your mind, and your brain too.

Alas, Adren had to go the way of the dodo. It was just getting too inconvenient to play him, what with being on another account and all. His awesomeness will live on in Zyre the Third, AKA Zyre...hunter version! Let's get one thing straight: I can't play a shaman for the life of me. They're cool and all, I just can't level them...but I can level hunters, and I've wanted a Horde hunter for some time now. Anywaaaay...

  • Zyre is a level 10 Troll Hunter with a badass bat pet! He's mighty awesome, but lacking a name...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

No way. Why should I change? He's the one who sucks.

  • Shendir hit 42 and learned some things. Things I can't really remember right now. It was kind of one of those 'zone out and grind' situations. I think there was a new rank of Regrowth and Starfire...

Sunday, January 07, 2007

If you want to be a non-conformist, you have to look like us, think like us, and listen to the same music we do.

  • None of my characters leveled yesterday, I'd just like to point out that January 6th, 2007 will be known as the Day of a Thousand 60s! Elyssia, Zammi, and Rebelmage all hit 60 only a few hours apart from each other. Many huzzahs.
  • Shendir is also halfway through 41. Still haven't bought her respec, though, but Restoration sounds tons o' fun.


  • Did I mention I got The Unstoppable Force? Oh, well, it's quite cool. Sure, the DPS isn't too different than the spear, but it sure hits for a lot more.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Once I take care of the humans, I will begin my war against... the bees!

  • Idachi was in live Strat from about 10 to 2 in the morning yesterday (er...I mean, this morning). First group consisted of Me, Atherial, Zammi, Foddermike, and Shaped, and we wiped about 4 times. Second group was Me, Atherial, Zammi, Foddermike, and Warholl and we never wiped. Atherial and War got mad at Shaped (tee hee hee!) because she couldn't control aggro to save her life (...literally). Oh well, for putting up with Shaped's bullshit I was rewarded with...[Lightforge Boots]! Yay! They're so clunky, but now I have +40 attack from the set bonus.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

We're dead! We're dead! We survived but we're dead!

  • Nol hit 21 last night while in Deadmines (I was too tired to write anything last night). Also, Nol is my first ever character other than Idachi to go to Deadmines! How slighty exciting! I look forward to taking Shendir through Deadmines someday...while I'm messing up everyone's Defias Traitor quests. Tee hee! Nol unfortunately didn't get and phat lewt, because there was a bitch-ass priest that needed on EVERYTHING (Even Smite's Reaver. Huh?), but I was only there to level, so I'm quite content.


  • When I got Idachi to 60, I thought I wouldn't be playing her much anymore, but there's just so much crap still to do with her! I got my Timbermaw rep up to neutral, I'm 2% from being honored with Darnassus, and I got enough PvP tokens for my Lieutenant chestplate and....my [Stormpike Battle Charger]! Now, I can't really use my charger yet...I'm still about 200 gold away, but as soon as I get all that, it's ram time!
  • Idachi's also about 1000 honor from getting [The Unstoppable Force]. I originally was going to overlook the 'Force and try for my GM polearm, but it's just taking FOREVER to get it. Sooo, I'm going to get this and spend some more time getting PvP gear to get prepared for the Burning Crusade (consarn you, Illidan! Why are you so right?), once that's all done and such, I'll focus on getting my GM polearm. Besides, my [Ice Barbed Spear] is 38 on the list of best Paladin weapons, but the Force is number 20. Oooh.