Sunday, December 31, 2006

No new news, just some resolutions:

  • I will get Idachi to 70
  • I will get Shendir to at least 60
  • I will get that GM polearm for Idachi
  • Idachi will get at least one piece of Judgement gear
  • I'll level my Blood Elf priest to 60
  • Idachi will get revered with some other faction
  • Idachi will also get her epic mount
  • Adren will hit 60
  • Nol will at least hit 40 and get his robobird

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Jesus was born, and so I get presents

  • Took a little break from Idachi's level 60 hootinanny to level Shendir. She still rocks hardcore. Also thinking about respeccing her, but since she kinda spent all her money on her fancy new Kodo, she's got a whopping 2 gold and can't afford the 5g respec fee. How sad.


  • Since it's Christmas, Idachi's written a letter to Sant---I mean, Grandfather Winter. She doesn't ask for much, sir. Just some tier gear.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

With my last breath ... I curse Zoidberg!

  • After...what..8 long months of playing, Idachi has finally hit 60! I would be a litte more excited, but the Burning Crusade expansion is just around the corner. Nah, I'm plenty excited to have a character capable of going to all the fun-tastic high level instances and getting tier gear and stuff like that. Speaking of which, Idachi started getting her Lieutenant PvP gear. I got the shoulders first, just because they look so cool.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I just bamboozled Chandler! ...Which isn't a sexual thing.

  • Idachi just keeps leveling! She hit 59 yesterday right at the very end of a UD Strat run while fighting the Baron. Actually, if she hadn't leveled and gotten all her health/mana back, we would have most certainly wiped. She's 79% through 59 right now, but I'm unusually tired, so tomorrow will probably be her big day.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Ah! I see you have the machine that goes 'Ping'!

  • Idachi hit 58 whilst in Scholomance with more WoL guys. Many thanks for the run! She was also fortunate enough to get her [Lightforge Helm], which is mighty cool, but it reminds me of Whitemane's little cylendar hat. I guess that's not really a bad thing.

Also, we're probably going on another UD Strat run tomorrow night (like 8-ish), this time it's a DE run. Well, it's a DE run until some more Lightforge gear shows up. Then I'm totally allowed to need it. Huzzah! And by helping the guild farm more shards and dust, I am now entitled to one free enchant of my choice.

...Does my Ice Barbed Spear need Lifestealing? Probably not, but it's free!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I mean, she casts magic, I cast magic. She's cute and I'm not entirely hideous.

  • I forgot to mention this last last night, but a couple of the guys (Atherial, Warpriest, Burney, and some drunken warrior guy whose name I don't remember) from WoL and I all went to UD Strat and had tons 'o fun! WHEE! We were originally there to get me some more Lightforge armor, but some crummy druid tier 0 armor dropped, so we were outta luck. Oh well, it was worth it for the experience (and experience points!). Anyway, Idachi is now 75% through level 57! Huzzah!


  • WoWEcon is back up! Yay! I never realized how much I missed that addon until I was grinding in Winterspring with a full inventory and just didn't know what to keep and what to toss.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Hey, that monkey's got a Ross on its ass!

  • Oh dear me, it was like Christmas today. Firstly, Idachi spent at least 3 hours farting around in Blackrock Depths with some dudes. What was the outcome? Oh, maybe dinging to 57! Three levels away, and now I can start on a little trip we like to call 'Scholomance'. Glee.
  • In addition to the fun times, Shendir finally gets to spank level 40. Yes, spank. It's the new 'ding'. 40 holds a lot of awesome for a druid: Innervate, Hurricane, Dire Bear, Feline Grace, a god damn Kodo Mount. You know, the essentials.
  • Adren also hit 44 yesterday, but I was feeling lazy and forgot to say words about it. The Phantom Blade looks awesome as hell, and it hits good too! Methinks Adren's ready for the funtastic world of ZF.

Friday, December 08, 2006

I come for the wuggas, but stay for the jiggy juggas.

  • People can say what they want about the new LFG tool, but in the past 2 days Shendir has gone to Razorfen Downs, Razorfen Kraul, and Scarlet Monastery (Armory), which is actually a pretty busy instance schedule for me. Because of this, she hit 39 today! Her mount and other level 40 priveleges is only a few grinding hours away, which may or may not be accomplished tomorrow.


  • Most of the FuBar mods we've been using are back up and running...except for ExperienceFu, which doesn't want to be like all it's brothers and sisters and insists on acting up! RestFu is also driving me nuts...according to the Addons window in WoW, it's compatable and everything, but it just seems to be wigging out.
  • X-Perl Unit Frames please me with every little thing they do. I wish there was a teeny bit more custimization to it (bar-shape wise), but it's still an incredible mod.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

But don't genius come from a lamp?

  • All of our favorite FuBar addons have been updated, such as LocationFu, AmmoFu, PerformanceFu, EmoteFu, etc.
  • I gave Ag_UnitFrames a shot this evening to see how it works. Not too bad, very very simplistic and easy to mess around with. I suppose I'll keep it for the time being.
  • I finally figured out how to get Auctioneer to actually check/keep track of stuff, and now I feel stupid for not knowing how. Also, since Auctioneer doesn't tell how much you could get for vendoring an item, I added PriceCheck. Quite useful.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

There were funky China men from funky Chinatown

  • Oh frabjous day! Callooh, callay! The 2.0 patch is finally out! And it only took maybe 45 minutes at most to download (the lappy had only 35% of the pre-patch done).
  • Idachi's new holy talents rock hardcore. She's now a million times more humble than thou art.
  • I'm actually considering making Shendir all Restoration, but I have my doubts. Balance/Resto has been working pretty swell for me. I mean, c'mon. Mages that can heal (and heal well)! Still, that treeform is VERY tempting.


The following Addons are up and running in 2.0:

  • Atlas
  • Atlasloot Enhanced
  • FuBar
  • MetaHUD (a replacement for DHUD)
  • MoveAnything!
  • Equip Compare
  • Monkey Quest
  • Monkey Buddy
  • Scrolling Combat Text
  • Bagnon (a replacement for OneBag)
  • Auctioneer (a replacement for WoWEcon)
  • Auto Respond (a replacement for AutoIgnore)
  • Paparazzi

Saturday, December 02, 2006

I just wanted you to know: I always hated you. I always hated you the most.

  • Idachi hit 56, which means only 4 more levels to go! Woot woot. She's could also start going to Dire Maul if she really really wanted to. And maybe she will.


  • Shen's been out and about trying to get her rank to rise before the last patch. I'd prefer to be called Sergeant Shendir for the rest of all time rather than Grunt Shendir, but if I can't make it in time, it's all good.