Saturday, June 30, 2007

Yes, Dexter, I can read your thoughts - and I am smarter than you.

  • Pyn hit 45 today doing that stupid pirate's gold quest in Tanaris. I had no idea that thing was repeatable. It makes me wonder if I should get Idachi down there farming map fragments and beating up level 45 pirates to get greens.


  • Idachi got her first key fragment for her Kara attunement and GOD I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SHADOWLABS ANYMORE PLZ. No more. Not for a while. I don't even care about the damn [Breastplate of Many Graces], it's not worth the hassle of finding a competent group. And don't get me started on that fucking ogre boss.
    According to all the stuff I've read about the Kara attunement process, this is by far the hardest key to get, so I'm just so thankful I got it out of the way. After this all I need is a group of like-minded people (fuck the bosses, we're only in there for the key) and a few hours and my ass should be Kara attuned.

Just, no more fucking Shadow Labyrinth.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Calm down, Alpha. It's Rita, and she's attacking the planet.


  • Idachi got [The Essence Focuser] yesterday in a random chest in Shadow Labs. Speaking of which, why do people abbreviate it as "Shadow Labs"? It's called The Shadow Labrynth, not The Shadow Laboratories. Where did that s come from?!
  • This evening about 15 Nameless Order guildies (and meee!) went to Onyxia and ACTUALLY killed her! It was crazy awesome. To prove there is a god (and he just loves to fuck with me) the [Judgement Crown] actually dropped...and I was 2 DKP short from buying it. And then they disenchanted it. They better enjoy that Nexus Crystal! The Ony backpack dropped as well, but I lost the roll by like 40 points, so I don't really care.
  • After our 7-minute bout with Onyxia (and we had four healers--all Paladins--because this guild doesn't believe in pally DPS. Suck it, Atherial. Just remember: you can't spell 'retarded' without 'ret') we attempted to down the world dragon in Darkshore...Emriss? Hell I don't remember his name. We tried 4 times and the lowest we got him to was 21%. I can help but feel that the guild leader might have been a little frustrated with me. Usually being glued to the main tank's health bar is a GOOD thing, but I got a little carried away and neglected my own health. Oh well, first raid jitters. I got an extra 29 DKP from all this, bumping my total score to an awesome 34 DKP...which isn't that bad considering I've only done two complete instances with them.


Friday, June 22, 2007

It was dawn. I was in my robe when the ninjas attacked!

  • Idachi got 23 DKP today for running Old Hillsbrad once and posting my Ony, UBRS, and MC attunement. 7 more DKP and I get me a [Libram of Souls Redeemed] when I go to Kara! Hell, this Sunday I might even get [Onyxia Hide Backpack] -- Only 5 DKP!
  • Pyn set off to Stranglethorn Vale yesterday afternoon in search of Tethis...not to kill, but to train! Fernando 2.0, bitches!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Just... Don't talk anymore. You're like the Dalai Lama of fucking retards.


  • Idachi got into Nameless Order this morning, woo woo woopants! It's a bit of a culture shock; NO has things that WoL doesn't. Ventrillo, DKP, 9 level 70's on at 10:30 in the morning running Hellfire Ramparts on Heroic mode.

  • Shendir got up to 300 in her skinning! This is the first profession other than herbalism that I've gotten this high on. YAY FOR SHEN!

    The asshole scorpid that Shen got her 300 skinning on had the last laugh. With his final breath, he poisoned Shendir, turning her all green and ruining her 300 skinning picture!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Hey, look. "Es-CA-pay". I wonder what that means? That's funny, it's spelled just like the word "escape."

  • Pyn hit 44 this other news, Pyn is mine again (which I kinda feel REALLY BAD ABOUT). She's also going Beast Mastery for a while...I know, remember when Beast Mastery was the red-headed stepchild of Hunter specs? Hell, I remember when Survivability was ubersauce for PvP.


  • Idachi has left The Wrath of Lordaeron for greener pastures. It was one hell of a decision, and I suppose if they ever got the ball rolling I'd be happy to come back and do Kara with them, but until then I think paying $15 for farming motes (which is all Idachi is really doing right now) is kind of stupid. I've got a few guilds I've been looking into (Nameless Order, Merciless...), and I know not everyone from the Wrath will approve of me leaving, but life goes on and I hope I can keep helping Zammi and Capt with anything they need.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Transcend time and space? It's simple. I've practiced.

  • SHENDIR IS 50 NOW OMG OMG OMG. Yep....level 50 and still wearing 35 gear. Hey, it's not my fault that the Horde auction house is a damn ghost town.


  • Just like King Richard and Prince John, Cptpoor has gloriously returned to his rightful spot as co-GM and the guild has sprung to life once again. Oo-de-lally!
    ...that still doesn't mean that I'm 100% set on staying in the guild, but it's so good to see us running something a little classier than Ramparts.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

We have a proud tradition of failure to uphold!

  • Nol hit 37 today! I really need to hit Desolace with him eventually, but the walk is just too annoying.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I want to stay and mingle. Lenore, who is me, sure does love a party. Party party!


  • Shendir finally hit 49 out in the Hinterlands today! YAY! I promise twice as many 'YAY's when she hits 50 so I can finally use my Gift of the Wild book. Fun times!


Damn it, Zammi.