- Pyn hit 45 today doing that stupid pirate's gold quest in Tanaris. I had no idea that thing was repeatable. It makes me wonder if I should get Idachi down there farming map fragments and beating up level 45 pirates to get greens.
- Idachi got her first key fragment for her Kara attunement and GOD I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SHADOWLABS ANYMORE PLZ. No more. Not for a while. I don't even care about the damn [Breastplate of Many Graces], it's not worth the hassle of finding a competent group. And don't get me started on that fucking ogre boss.
According to all the stuff I've read about the Kara attunement process, this is by far the hardest key to get, so I'm just so thankful I got it out of the way. After this all I need is a group of like-minded people (fuck the bosses, we're only in there for the key) and a few hours and my ass should be Kara attuned.
Just, no more fucking Shadow Labyrinth.