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- Remember Hanryn? Of course not. Last time he saw the light of day was -- yeesh -- April? Anyway, he's 80% through 24. I would have spent the extra five minutes to level him, but a group of Alliance jerks razed Camp Taurajo (...again...) and killed the guy I was supposed to talk to to complete the quest. Upon seeing Taurajo's NPCs scattered along the ground, I figured it would be an opportune time for pizza and logged off.
OTHER:- Yea yea yea, another Kara post. Did Shade of Aran and Chess Event today flawlessly (except for that nail-biting two person victory on Shade), but Prince didn't want to be a good sport and roll over and die for us today. It was probably just poor luck, but between the infernals and wacky line of sight/out of range issues we couldn't get him past 65%. My theory is that he had my tier four token and just didn't want to give it up. Speaking of gear, Shade of Aran FINALLY dropped [Pauldrons of the Justice-Seeker]...and I lost the bid. Ah well, Ten won it and it apparently was his birthday tonight (I'm always the last to know about these things), so grats! Your shoulders have more armor than my chestpiece...all the more reason I need to be there for the Illhoof fight!
OTHER:- We did the first half of Kara again tonight, but we kicked it up a notch by bringing some of our newer and less-experienced people there (myself included!). I was kinda nervous without having Ten or Hubb or Sines or Dip there, but we all did a hell of a job and only wiped twice...on trash mobs, no less! How embarrassing. It just goes to show that if we get a second group going for Kara, both groups should be in pretty good shape and we don't have to rely on the Crazy-Awesome-Ultra-Super-Saiyajin-Experienced Players or something like that to pull us out of trouble. Just like last time, nothing Idachi-worthy dropped. What a BUMMER. Ah well. Tier 4 helm tomorrow? Maybe? I'm about to have enough DKP to buy two helms.
- Apparently Limehead got in the guild the other day (yes, that Limehead) and left as quickly as he came in. Good riddance. NO doesn't need crap like him, whining all the time and asking for money and runs and such. Bleh.
OTHER:- Tonight was my first time doing the Netherspite thing, I can safely say that he is not my buddy. No sir. It's not those little laser beam things that piss me off, those just require me knowing which way they're coming from. It's not those dark circles of pain that piss me off, because usually I can bubble and run out of them. It's Netherspite's stupid netherbreath that makes me want to scream. Especially two netherbreaths in a row. I've only got like 6000 HP, if the first breath doesn't one-shot me, the second one most certainly will...and nothing sucks quite like dying in the first 3 minutes of the fight.
- In much lighter news, the [Helm of the Fallen Champion] dropped from Prince. I didn't win it (congrats to Ten), but I'm just happy to see it drop. Usually the damn Fallen Defender is the only one that drops, so seeing the Champion one (first time seeing it too) was a nice bonus. Other than that, nothing of interest dropped during this half of Kara. Bonerkill.
- When did we get on WoWJutsu? No matter, it's quite cool to see who's got what. Also, NO's the 50th best guild on the server, according to WoWJutsu. Not bad, not bad at all (read: In your FACE, Band of Pirates). I bet once we start doing Gruul's and Zul'Aman we'll be way high on the list.
OTHER:- We did another Ony run this evening for grins. [Nemesis Skullcap], [Helm of Wrath], and [Eskhandar's Collar] all dropped. No Judgement Crown :(. That Skullcap looks awesome though. One of these days I might just roll a warlock...if I can stomach them. I've been reading several of the Warcraft novels lately....I fucking hate the Burning Legion now more than ever.

LEVELS:- Ah, Timbermaw Hold rep. What a simpler time that was. Shendir hit 53 today amongst the various furbolg corpses out in Felwood today. Good times, good times. I can't wait to get out into the Outlands, Azeroth nowadays just seems so...quaint. Like a Model T in a museum. It was good for it's time, but now it's kinda lackluster.
- Shen did indeed leave Death Proof without a moment to spare this morning. I'm not really looking for a guild for Shendir, mostly because she's just an alt and Idachi means more to me. Still, if I could get into a fairly casual guild with Shen just to have a few people to listen to while I'm grinding, I would have no complaints.
OTHER:- Idachi got her first heroic key today...the [Key of Time]. I coulda sworn she was waaay far from getting revered with the Keepers of Time, but I guess not.
- Shendir got halfway to 53 and then was pulled away to lend her services to aid Ogrimmar from the Alliance menace. Well, she WOULD have lent her services, but by the time I got there they had all run away. Lots of skeletons and some infernal corpses, though, so it must have been one hell of a party.
- While grinding, Shen got a guild invite from Death Proof. I've seen some of them around before, so I figured I'd join. The next time I'm on and no one else in the guild's on, I'm probaby going to leave. You see, ever since the Horde got paladins, they assume no one's every rolled a pally before. If this was a PvP server, I could totally understand how strange and foreign these paladins might seem, but when I get some little 62 BElfadin trying to tell me that:
- Holy paladins can't heal
- Ret paladins have awesome DPS
- Prot paladins are the best tanks in the game
I have to question his sanity. Of course, this was also the same genuis who refused to believe me when I said Death Knights will use runes instead of mana and no guild will ever want him if he stays Rettarded-speced.
- Sweet sassy molassy, the news pouring out of BlizzCon is NUTS. Death Knights, Northrend, level 80 cap, heroic classes, new hairstyles, destroyable buildings, seige weapons, new professions, etc. But what REALLY got me squealing like a schoolgirl was the promise of NEW DANCES.
Blizzard, I know you're not going to read this, but in the name of all that is good in this world, could you change the Human female dance? Please?