Friday, October 13, 2006

Hey, it's a thingy! A fiendish thingy!


  • Pyn has hit level 30 today! I didn't have much money, so I couldn't get her many new abilities, but I was able to afford one: Feign Death!


  • Pyn also got 1500+ honor due to Arathi Basin weekend! This was Pyn's first time in the Basin, and I think she did fine!
  • Both Pyn and Shendir now have their actual mounts! I figured with the new patch I might as well get them their animals. Now Pyn has a Striped Frostsaber (the white one with black stripes) and Shendir has a Gray Kodo (Gray with green spots). Coughing up enough money for the riding skill is going to be the tough part. Pyn is only about 20 gold away, and Shendir is about 50 gold.

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