- AT LONG LAST! SHENDIR IS LEVEL....38. Yea, cram it. I've been waiting for 38 on Shendir for quite a while. I got her a new chestpiece, new hat, and new healing touch!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Hey man, Gandhi is anti-violence, not anti-comedy.
Monday, November 27, 2006
You can't just find cake. Cake isn't naturally occurring.
- Nol has jumped from 16 to 18! He's also started to trek out into Redridge, which is apparently contested territory. Anyway, he's owning various amount of ass.
- Idachi's halfway through level 55. Maybe one or two more BRD runs and I'll be there.
- Due to my slacking, Nol was removed from Forus of Meretrices. Actually, I did a /who search and couldn't find anyone in the guild. Maybe it disbanded? Who knows.
- Nol's slightly-altered "new" UI is lookin' quite nice, if I do say so myself. Nothing too fancy, I just like looking at my crits while I'm talking to people. Idachi doesn't crit very often, so I probably couldn't use it on her. Maybe Valarin, though.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Band-Aids aren't going to work in this situation. Please, don't try Band-Aids.
- I really can't believe Idachi would ever get as high as level 55. I didn't know I'd still be playing long enough to get her to 55, but sure enough, she did. Can't wait to go on those ca-RAZY endgame instances!
- I logged onto Adren and found that he only needed 20 more reps to level! Sure enough, he hit 42 today!
- It is with not a lot of sorrow that I dismiss Pyn from the Becca WoW family. I say not a lot of sorrow because she's not being deleted, it's all a part of the big tradeoff! Much like a professional baseball game, Pyn has been traded with Adren just for the heck of it. Both Adren and Pyn seemed to be teetering on the cliff of deletion for quite some time, and I'm glad neither of them finally got the boot -- both have an awful lot of potential! Their crits bring Idachi shame, but Hunters are just damn powerful like that (ranged-wise, of course).
- Now that Adren is mine to control, I have started him off with Herbalism. He's already up to 63, and I'm sure tomorrow he'll go up some more!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Hey, a laser! How come YOU don't have a laser, Woody?
- Somehow I forgot to mention Idachi hit 54 on Friday. It's been kinda hectic with all the....nothing going on.
- Shendir also hit 37 today, which calls for some wootles.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Is mayonnaise an instrument?
- Pyn hit 32 today and finally gets to use her fancy new 1H axe and hat that Shen sent over the other day. Yay!
- Sheldon hit 30, which means it's time for him to relax in the stable while Fernando tries to catch up
- Valarin hit 21 a day or so ago, I just forgot to mention it. Sorry!
- Apparently, Desolace is a haven for blue drops. Whilst grinding Pyn today, she got a [Harpyclaw Short Bow]. Shendir got one of these about a month ago, also while in Desolace! After a few minutes had gone by, Pyn got a [Gnarled Ash Staff]! I remember back when Shendir was in her 20's trying very hard to get this staff. Oh well, it's off to the auction house these blues go!
- Fusion's total member count went from about 240 to 189 while I was asleep. What happened? From what I've heard, a great number of the level 60's in the group were tired of running ZG all the time (it's just about the only instance Fusion ever does), so they all left, including 2 of the 5 main officers. Crazy stuff. The guild isn't too bad (at least they talk), so it'll be interesting to see what happens.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
I thought this week's e-mail was entitled "Teddy Graham Memories."
- Idachi is now a level 53 paladin! This is actually quite exciting, because now she's of a high enough level to party in Blackrock Depths!
- Idachi left Blade and Magic today to join Wrath of Lordaeron. Why, you ask? Well...I've always wanted to join Blade and Magic because I heard they were all awesome and dedicated to being awesome. As it turns out, one of the main awesome guys left BaM and most of his buddies went with him. Weeks later, I join BaM. It appears that the BaM I joined was just a mere shell of the original. The original BaM was about 300 people, most of which being level 60. The new BaM was struggling to get over 135 people, with most of them below 30. It's a shame I couldn't have been a part of Blade and Magic in their prime, but I suppose it's for the best.
- Idachi also capped her Herbalism skill! That's right, she hit the big 3-0-0! Now there's no herb, weed, or pretty flower out there that Idachi can't pick!
- Idachi got another7000+ honor hanging out in Alterac Valley yesterday! What's even more surprising is that the Alliance WON both times!
- More good times for Idachi! For the slightly-low price of 4 gold, she snagged herselt the Lightforge Belt, part of her tier 0 Paladin set! If I had just been a few seconds earlier, I could have gotten the Lightforge Bracers (for just 3 gold!) AND the belt, but someone beat me to it, only to resell the bracers on the auction house for 15 gold. Ah well, I'm happy with what I got!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Excuse me...You're sitting on my body, which is also my face.
- Zyre is level 12 now, huzzah!
- Shendir's been racking up the honor kills in Arathi Basin this weekend! She's up to about 600 honor!
Friday, November 10, 2006
It's a show about nothing! ...How do we know when it's over?
- Pyn leveled up to 31 today and Sheldon hit 28! Next level she'll get a cool new axe and some nifty new armor, not to mention the fancy new abilities!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Is your...is your wife a goer? Eh? Know what I mean?
- With the aid of Arathi Basin, Shendir has hit level 36! She also got a Prairie Dog pet! Aww, he's just so cute!
- Sheldon, Pyn's pet, is now level 27! Soon he'll be high enough to match Pyn in level and be a good tank!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
And you are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity. Farewell.
- Guess who hit 35 today?! Shendir did! Yes indeedy. She also made about 4 gold, all of which has gone to the GottaGettaMount Fund.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
God Jackie! We can do that for the rest of our lives! Star Wars is a limited engagement!
- Zyre is level 9, good for him, but the real news of today is....
- Idachi got her Ice-Barbed Spear! WOO! It took about 6 Alterac Valley runs before the Alliance finally won the stupid thing, but I don't care! I got my spear!! And. It's. AWESOME.
Friday, November 03, 2006
No, Bobby, Kahn applied the legal way. Sometimes the system fails us.
- A certain Paladin hit level 52 today. Yep. Want to know the best thing about level 52? Greater Blessing of Might, baby! Sure, it requires material components...but it works on EVERYONE of that same class in the raid group! Can't wait for Greater Blessing of Wisdom, though.
- Why didn't anyone tell my my favorite polearm in the game can be obtained at level 51?! I always heard you had to be level 55 to snag it! Tomorrow my goal is to own this spear, hell, maybe even tonight. OFF TO ALTERAC I GO!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Oh, a giftcard for fashion, how did you know?
- Shen is 6 levels away (and about 40-something gold) from getting her mount! That's right, she's level 34 now! Wootles!
- Shen also ran her first part of Scarlet Monastery today. Awww, they grow up so fast! She got the Illusionary Rod and some sort of really nice blue shoulderpads. Hooray for Shendir!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
I suggest a new strategy, R2. Let the Wookiee win.
- With the aid of Jeffy, Valarin has hit level 20! She has no money whatsoever, so all her new abilities will just have to wait.
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