Monday, November 27, 2006

You can't just find cake. Cake isn't naturally occurring.


  • Nol has jumped from 16 to 18! He's also started to trek out into Redridge, which is apparently contested territory. Anyway, he's owning various amount of ass.
  • Idachi's halfway through level 55. Maybe one or two more BRD runs and I'll be there.


  • Due to my slacking, Nol was removed from Forus of Meretrices. Actually, I did a /who search and couldn't find anyone in the guild. Maybe it disbanded? Who knows.


  • Nol's slightly-altered "new" UI is lookin' quite nice, if I do say so myself. Nothing too fancy, I just like looking at my crits while I'm talking to people. Idachi doesn't crit very often, so I probably couldn't use it on her. Maybe Valarin, though.

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