Friday, December 08, 2006

I come for the wuggas, but stay for the jiggy juggas.

  • People can say what they want about the new LFG tool, but in the past 2 days Shendir has gone to Razorfen Downs, Razorfen Kraul, and Scarlet Monastery (Armory), which is actually a pretty busy instance schedule for me. Because of this, she hit 39 today! Her mount and other level 40 priveleges is only a few grinding hours away, which may or may not be accomplished tomorrow.


  • Most of the FuBar mods we've been using are back up and running...except for ExperienceFu, which doesn't want to be like all it's brothers and sisters and insists on acting up! RestFu is also driving me nuts...according to the Addons window in WoW, it's compatable and everything, but it just seems to be wigging out.
  • X-Perl Unit Frames please me with every little thing they do. I wish there was a teeny bit more custimization to it (bar-shape wise), but it's still an incredible mod.

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