Thursday, December 14, 2006

I mean, she casts magic, I cast magic. She's cute and I'm not entirely hideous.

  • I forgot to mention this last last night, but a couple of the guys (Atherial, Warpriest, Burney, and some drunken warrior guy whose name I don't remember) from WoL and I all went to UD Strat and had tons 'o fun! WHEE! We were originally there to get me some more Lightforge armor, but some crummy druid tier 0 armor dropped, so we were outta luck. Oh well, it was worth it for the experience (and experience points!). Anyway, Idachi is now 75% through level 57! Huzzah!


  • WoWEcon is back up! Yay! I never realized how much I missed that addon until I was grinding in Winterspring with a full inventory and just didn't know what to keep and what to toss.

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