Saturday, April 21, 2007

And someday, when the world is rid of Manbearpig, everyone will say, "Thank you Al Gore—you're super awesome!"

  • Idachi just hit 67 from all this instance running mania going on. It's great to be levelling her again.


  • We've been going to Old Hillsbrad a lot lately...and it's probably my second or third favorite instance. It's fairly short, it involves Thrall, elf characters become human, and you only have so many tries to get it right and then it's all over!
  • Idachi + officer rank = PHENOMINAL COSMIC POWER!
  • Illum. also did a 12-man ZG run on Thursday and obliterated everything in our path until we got to the spider boss. Got her down to 7% though...she was as good as dead. Anyway, won the [Blood Scythe], which allows me to pick herbs in ZG....woo, I'm useful!
  • Speaking of useful, Idachi found a [Design: Living Teardrop Ruby], which sells on the AH anywhere between 300 and 450 gold. Of course, I'm a good person (read: chump) and it's in Tyranis' little squiddy hands.

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