Truth be told, I don't think I like the first half nearly as much as I like the second half. Maybe it's because we actually had a wipe this time. Maybe it's because my hard-earned DKP took a bit of a hit because I won a few things.

The opera thing was certainly...interesting. According to what I've read on WoWWiki, there's
like 4 or 5 different scenes that could go on. We got the Little Red Riding Hood scene (is that a bad thing?), which involved one of our characters turrning into a little gnome in a red cape and running from a huge-ass

level ?? Worgen capable of two-shotting you. We wiped here once because we weren't really ready (hadn't gotten into position yet and gotten aggro and already we were getting Red Riding Hooded). The second time was a hoot: everyone's constantly moving, people are turning into gnomes....oh, and the wolf says "Better to own you with, my dear!". Great.
Did I mention before the opera there's a debuff called "Bad Poetry" that makes you fall asleep? That was honestly my favorite part of the night. Lousy beatniks. Anyway, after the opera fight
we figured we'd do the Curator, just for giggles. We wiped on the curator once, only because our main tank disconnected in the very middle of the fight. According to a few guys in Kara general chat, we weren't alone; it seems a large chunk of the realm got booted and couldn't seem to log on for abot 15 minutes. Hubcapp got back on and we downed him immediately and got another tier 4 token drop. Overall, we did 5 bosses in 3 and a half hours, which isn't something to sneeze at. At all.

Phat loots:
Attumen the Huntsman
Maiden of Virtue
The Big Bad Wolf
- [Ribbon of Sacrifice]
- [Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle]
The Curator
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