Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I'm not against some "monkey catching." But I'd rather be collecting pants.

Oh, wow. Remember when I used to play WoW? Good times.
Seriously, though, school started on the 27th, and I've been busy with that and homework and buying books and such. I've only got MWF classes this semester, which means I'll still get to raid a few nights a week, but only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Since Tuesdays & Thursdays are my off days, I can stay up all Mon/Wed/Fri night and not have to worry about accidentally sleeping through my alarm and/or first class....anyway,

  • Nol is now 41, woot woot! I honestly didn't think he was going to level today, but after going from 15% to 50% in less than an hour, I couldn't resist. Nol also got a swanky new [Icefury Wand] today from that damn mage quest I've been meaning to get to. Beats the hell out of my crappy [Goblin Igniter], plus I can't say no to anything with frost damage! Now all I need is [Whitemane's Chapeau] and I will be a happy little mage.
  • Also, I've considered rolling another dr00d; an Alliance dr00d this time so I don't blatantly follow in Shendir's footsteps. I've wanted to go full balance with Shen for SUCH a long time, but I just can't give up healing because that's just how I roll (ba-dum-pssh). My only qualm is that I don't like replaying classes and this new druid might not go very far, which would really bum me out. Of course, the only class I've ever replayed was a hunter, and hunters are kinda dull no matter what spec you choose.

1 comment:

Agnes said...

Go Balance! Versatility is why druids put the smack down.