Check that out. I'm not just Gronogg, I'm Gronogg
The Wise.
I logged on today at about 7:30 AM...it's now 10:18 and I am level 5. It's a combination of low-rate experience gains (yay!) and how awesome just running around touching stuff is.
Remember Mythic's big "if you kill a ton of things and then a quest guy wants you to go kill those same thing, the game will remember what you do" claim? Yea, that's not in here. I was a little bummed, but not enough to start freaking out and uninstalling the game or anything.
Group Quests

and RvR stuff is awesome. I've been in one where we fight waves of dwarves and one that involves killing tree monsters and choppin' trees. The Dwarf one was a little frantic and I didn't get any loot from killing the main badguy, but when there's 20 other Greenskins all attacking 1-4 dwarves, I guess that's too be expected. I can only imagine it'll be like this until a couple months after the game is released.
I've been playing a Black Orc so far, I might roll a Chaos something-or-other shortly to get the most out of preview weekend. Black Orcs have this weird combo points/stances/Angry-O-Meter thing (It's the little green Orc symbol above the action bars in the screenshot) that requires you to use small attacks in order to use the big attacks. It's kind of interesting, but it makes me realize how bad I suck at playing Warrior classes. I've actually died a couple of times so far (One time was my own fault, I got curious about fall damage), but so far there hasn't been any de-levelling or rez sickness or duration penalties or anything.
I've yet to hear if WAR will allow addons, but you can fully customize your UI in game. I haven't fiddled around with that much yet because I'm still learning what buttons do what, but just having the option there is awesome. Also, I have seen a few graphical screwups in the game, such as magic attacks hovering over a corpse long after they're dead, shields/swords dissapearing into people's backs, freaky slow-motion squigs, etc. There are a few framerate problems as well . It's pretty funny to watch people walking around all jerky, like old Doom/Wolfenstein sprites though. In Mythic/EA's defense, I'm still in the Orc starting area and it's fucking CROWDED.

One last thing: This little blocked off portal/cave/instance thing piqued my interest. Maybe a starting dungeon for Orcs? It's probably nothing, but the glowy WAR symbol and it's placement in the Orc starting area makes me speculate...
More pictures:
(NOTE: The fuzziness is due to me trying to condense these down into little .JPGs. Everything is MUCH clearer in game)