And lo, my second character was rolled. Meet Valarin the Chaos Magus.
I gotta say, the Chaos starting area doesn't feel nearly as polished as the Greenskins, which is odd, because it was about 3 times more populated. The players of the Chaos seem a little more...talkative as well. Could the Chaos be the annoying Blood Elves of WAR? It's probably too soon to tell.
Anyway, Magi. Maguses? The first thing that will leap out right at you as a Magus: F

LOATING DISKS. I'll be the first to admit I don't know much about Warhammer lore (unless it's 40k), but apparently Magi are bound to these energy-channeling things, which make them look really unmenacing. Maybe I'm wrong; maybe the disks are cool, Whatever. As of right now, there's nothing too eye-opening about the class, except for the possibly broken Pink Horror.
I think these little grinning bastards are supposed to follow you around and move about, not unlike a hunter's pet or a warlock's demon. But all of mine stayed in

the same spot, even when I told them to attack an enemy. I've yet to see it officially written that Pink Horrors are supposed to move around in game, but when the lore describes them as "Their form is constantly shifting as they scamper around with boundless energy, madly cackling and shrieking as they go", what am I supposed to think?
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