Look, pauldrons! How I've missed thee. I've even got my old trophy (the mushrooms dangling from the right pauldron) that I got from a quest way back in Da Stumps.
Overall today was a good day; Awesome new blue shoulderpads, hit level 11, completed Greenskins Chap. 5, and ever since the patch came out, the game's been running WAY faster than normal, which is awesome.
Speaking of the new patch, it's time for more
- First and foremost: Cutscenes! I'm fairly certain they're different for each race (I've only played Grubuk so far today). They've got some British lady narrating them...she's good and all, but she's no Tony Jay. Actually, she sounds similar to the old God of War narrator ("And Kratos cast himself off a cliff, blah blah blah...").
- Your inventory now shows up automatically when talking to a merchant. It's a very small change, but I'm glad they added it.
- Both the Need/Greed/pass roll and the "Choose a reward" have been reworked a little (unfortunately the only picture I have is the reward window comparison). They've added scroll buttons to keep the window from blocking the whole screen.
EDIT: The narrator of God of War is Grandmother Willow from Pocahontas.
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