Guess who's back?
Back again?
Gronog's back.
Tell a friend.
Seriously, though, I couldn't escape the allure of Black Orcs for much longer, and rerolled Gronog (now with one g!) He's level 5 so far and about ready to head out for Da War Maker and eventually on to bigger and better things.
Warhammer hit the shelves today, and I picked up my 10-pound collector's edition box and totally forgot about the OTHER free digital goodies I got!
See, any ol' schmoe that preordered the game got Rittenbach's Portable Camp and some sort of little PVE ring, depending on where you preordered. But the CE guys also get new titles, new quests that I haven't figured out how to activate yet, and BRAND NEW EXCLUSIVE FACES! Let's take a look:

- Grubbuk hit level 12 a few hours ago, and I'm about to hop back on and see if I can get to at least 13-and-a-half by tonight.
- I won these awesome-ass blue boots for Grubbuk today in a public quest. Unfortunately, I didn't meet the level requirements, so I stuffed 'em in my backpack. Shortly after, I accidentally fucking sold them (along with tons of other stuff) and can't buy them back. I'm writing this down so hopefully I won't be THAT stupid in the future.
- Since we're on the subject of stupidity, last night I figured I'd roll a Magus, seeing as how I really liked them in the open beta. But how does one roleplay a Magus? I don't really know how Chaos do things, other than act all spiky and talk about how much of a weenie the Emperor is. That being said, I found a nice-sized OpenRvR server and started 'im up. I wasn't thinking, and I didn't even notice it was about 7:30 at night...when all the drooling idiots have come home from a long day of being at school/work/something.
This is why I play RP. Not only do the fairly strict naming rules convince tons of idiots not to roll there, the fact that they assume everyone's going to come up to them and talk like Ren Faire regulars frightens all the mouthbreathers away. I've only seen two questions asked on my server in the starting area, and both were played nicely ("Oi, boss! 'ow do ya show dem titles abbuv yur name?")
I'm sure some of these people are genuinely nice and are just confused about the game (that apparently went up for the first time ever "twelve hours ago"), but people who can't figure shit out on their own will probably be the death of me.
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