Monday, October 30, 2006

You drive like you fix roads... lousy!


  • Zyre went from level 1 to 5 in just a few hours today. Yea, I said 5. You see, Zyre had a bit of an...operation. Basically, I can't stand Troll females. I always hated the way Zyre looked, so now she's a he. Still a shaman, still does herbalism/alchemy, but now Zyre's a dude! Oh, he's also doing maces rather than axes.


  • Hanryn was also reserved for my Blood Elf priest today. Thought the name was very cool, so I figured I'd reserve it now and already have a name in store, because as soon as Burning Crusade comes out...I'm not waisting time coming up with names!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Hey hey let's go kenka suru / Taisetsu no mono protect my balls!


  • I originally was just going to log onto Nuroc to go trick or treating...who knew he'd level to 14 today? He now knows Demoralizing Shout and Revenge!


  • I forgot to mention it, but I have finally got a character high enough to go to Alterac Valley! I must say, it's my FAVORITE battleground, probably because without mods and stuff, you have no idea who's winning! So, rather than hearing crap like "WE LOSE, THANX FOR NOTHING LSOERS" or "wow u guys suck bad.", it's a constant "GO GO GO PUSH IT WE CAN WIN THIS!"

Friday, October 27, 2006

Look at that, Abu! It's not every day you see a horse with two rear ends!

  • Hooray for Idachi, as she is now level 51! I might actually get her to 60 before Burning Crusade comes out! It's a goal I'm kinda going for, but not really pushing myself. I wanna enjoy my last few levels. After all, you only make a character hit 60 once. Anyway, it's an odd-numbered level, so she learned nothing.


  • Shen lost a little of her GottaGettaMount fund whilst trying to buy Liathren an axe that does the exact same damage as her old one. You better use that axe for a while! Anyway, 60 more gold until Shen gets to ride her Kodo.
  • Although it's slightly off-topic, we got the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game today! It's oodles of fun and a great way to enjoy the WoW series when you're not near a computer.
  • Zyre took her first steps into Warsong Gulch today, and she owned various amounts of ass.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

For once, can't you just come in here and say, "Hi Chef. Nice day, isn't it?"

  • At the time of writing, Idachi is 53% through level 50! I say 'at the time of writing', because she's not done for today!


  • Those Spidersilk Boots Pyn made the other day sold! Pyn now has 77 gold in her Get a Mount Fund!
  • Guess where Idachi was today?

Although I couldn't get too close (not until at least level 55), I got to see the Dark Portal! Ooh, lore-ridden!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Look, you stupid bastard, you've got no arms left!

  • Valarin has leveled to 19 today! Too bad you don't learn anything new on odd-numbered levels....


  • Valarin also got about 400 honor and quite a few HKs today! It doesn't sound like much, but she did pretty darn good for wearing crummy white level 12 leg, chest, and feet armor.
  • Whilst surfing the auction house, Pyn found two Iradecent Pearls and made another pair of Spidersilk Boots. Hopefully she'll be five gold closer to her mount by tomorrow!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

I said it's dodgeball time, bitch.

  • Who'dathunk that Zyre would hit 19 today? It's a little off-schedule, but I'll never complain about leveling up...unless I really wanted to do more battlegrounds. Anyway, only one level away until she gets her ghost wolf mode!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

So why don't you make like a tree... and get outta here.

  • After taking a little World of Warcraft break (a certain mage quest was driving me insane), our little Nolly-pookums is now level 16! Good for him!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

He's an asshole too, sir. Gunner's mate First Class Philip Asshole!

  • Shendir has hit level 33! Only 7 levels and 50 gold away from Super Happy Kodo Time! She's been in Desolace for the past two levels grinding and selling worthless gray items for money. So far, it's going pretty well!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hey, sexy mama...wanna kill all humans?

  • Nuroc is now level 13! He learned Shield Bash...too bad he doesn't use shields.
  • Zyre is level 18! She now has a Tremor Totem and Healing Wave rank 4. There's still a load of spells she needs to learn, but I'm trying to save all my money for Shendir's riding skill.


  • Nuroc's talents have been figured out! He's an Arms/Fury Warrior, with most points going into Fury.
  • The Halloween-related event started in World of Warcraft today! All my characters have gotten some nifty goodies, but Nuroc was the first to get a mask!

It's a little redundant, though.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

You showed up just in time for the waffles!


  • ...and with that mighty critical blow to the Basilisk, Idachi reached level 50! She's in the final 10, ladies and gents! Apparently when you hit level 50, you are nearly bitchslapped with new spells to learn. Sadly, I only had enough to get Consecration, Devotion Aura, and Flash of Light.


  • Idachi also somehow managed to jump up nearly two levels in her guild ranks. Now she is a Knight in Blade and Magic! I'm not sure if this means much, but it is great news!


  • Upon looting the Basilisk that brought Idachi to level 50, she was met with a rather nice surprise:

Monday, October 16, 2006

Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets


  • Idachi is halfway to level 50! While that may not sound like a big accomplishment, these higher level characters take a LONG time to level.


  • I have finally found the elusive buff mod that everyone was using! Turns out it was CT_Buffmod. Good stuff, that mod.
  • Also got MapNotes. One feature I loved about Final Fantasy XI was how you could add notes to your map, showing stuff like monster spawn points and important NPCs. Now, I can do that on my World of Warcraft map!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Dr. Albright, have I been a perfect ass?


  • A certain someone has filled Pyn's inbox with several stacks of Silk Cloth. Because of this, Pyn has hit the Expert cap (150) in Tailoring and must go to Stormwind to reach the level of Artisan.
  • Idachi was invited to go to Scarlet Monastery, Maraudon, and Zul'Farrak today, of which she went to Mara and ZF. Both the groups, however, didn't manage to complete the instances and were soon disbanded, but at least Idachi is 33% through level 49 now!

  • Pyn was invited into Fusion. I've never heard of these people before, but with 114+ people and about 1/4 of them being level 60, I suppose they're doing SOMETHING right. They also seem to be heavily into endgame raiding, which is always a plus. I suppose Pyn will stick around for a while.


  • I've had my eye on PowerAuras for a day or so now, and I figured I would give them a shot. As cool as they are, they're just not for me. When I first read of them, I thought it was going to show a little extra effect when buffs are cast on your character. What I didn't know is that they would stay on your character for the entire buff duration! I'm sure it's a great tool for those out there that didn't notice their Blessing of Wisdom ran out minutes ago or their Battle Shout is fading, but when I have long buffs on me like Mark of the Wild, I'd find it pretty distracting.
  • I did, however, love the hell out of WoWTrivia. I can't ever really imagine myself using this in an important situation, but I've been in several parties with very long downtimes.
  • I've also been considering a new UI to make everything look cooler (or more functional). While I've seen several that I'd like to download, I'm very hesitant because what works well on the computer might not work on the laptop, such as very graphical UI's and the whole widescreen ratio might distort stuff.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

A tiger, in Africa?!

  • Idachi got 7500 honor due to the Arathi Basin Weekend! She only participated in two battles and got that much honor!
  • The rest of the materials to make [Spidersilk Boots] have been found on the auction house today for only 40 silver! It's a shame I'm not selling them on the auction house; the materials cost about 60 silver, and the boots sell on the auction house for about 5 gold!
  • Speaking of Spider's Silk, I think I'm going to send a character to the Arathi Highlands or Duskwood or another place swarming with spiders -- the Spider's Silk sells for nearly 3 gold a stack! It's a nice way to help Pyn afford her riding skill!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Hey, it's a thingy! A fiendish thingy!


  • Pyn has hit level 30 today! I didn't have much money, so I couldn't get her many new abilities, but I was able to afford one: Feign Death!


  • Pyn also got 1500+ honor due to Arathi Basin weekend! This was Pyn's first time in the Basin, and I think she did fine!
  • Both Pyn and Shendir now have their actual mounts! I figured with the new patch I might as well get them their animals. Now Pyn has a Striped Frostsaber (the white one with black stripes) and Shendir has a Gray Kodo (Gray with green spots). Coughing up enough money for the riding skill is going to be the tough part. Pyn is only about 20 gold away, and Shendir is about 50 gold.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Whatcha doin' Hank's wife? Some kind of women's work?


  • Pyn has reached 53% of level 29. I'm slowing down after that mad dash of leveling; savoring the game is just as important as leveling!


  • The [Harpyclaw Short Bow] has finally sold for 14 gold and 25 silver (lousy auction house cuts)! This bumps Shen's GottaGettaMount Fund up to 45 gold! Nearly halfway there, Shen!
  • Contemplating getting a second pet for Pyn. Not getting rid of Fernando, but it's always nice to have a DPS pet and a tanking pet. Considering a turtle, because turtles are funny. I'm VERY tempted to get Ghamoo-ra in Blackfathom Deeps.


  • In an unusual act of cowardice, many members (about 50+) of the Alliance guild Attrion decided to raid the Undercity, just as I was quickly logging onto Valarin to check my mail. The Horde drove them away without fail, but we all agreed that raiding this late in the night is total weaksauce. If you really want to prove something, why don't you raid at 7:30 in the evening, when lots of people are on? The Attrion guildies were last heard of running to Desolace to take down Rexxar, the level 62 Orc. Nearly 50 level 60's taking down an Orc and his pet bear. My respect for Attrion and the Alliance has lessened.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

You spoony bard!


  • Valarin hit level 18 today, which deserves various amounts of wootage. She learned Ambush (Rank 1) and the next rank of Gouge (Rank 2, I think).
  • Zyre the Troll Shaman hit 17 today! Her UI was also slightly fiddled with to put all the totems, buffs and offensive spells into one spot. Now, everything's MUCH less cluttered!
  • Shendir has been grinding her tauren ass off in Desolace today, which leveled her up to 32! She now knows Healing Touch (Rank 6), Insect Swarm (Rank 2), and learned her first rank Ravage! There's a lot more for her to get, but they're all feral abilities I don't use too often, so I didn't buy 'em right now.


  • While leveling, Shen was fortunate enough to find a [Harpyclaw Short Bow] on a scorpid in Desolace. They were selling on the auction house for about 15 gold, so hopefully Shen will be 15g richer tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Prepare to enter... The Scary Door.

  • Pyn hit level 29 today, which means I gotta haul ass in the battlegrouds before I level her again!
  • Nuroc, my seldom-played PvP Tauren Warrior also got some leveling love today by hitting level 12! Soon he'll be off in Warsong Gulch killing twinks and capturing flags. My little baby's growing up!!


  • Due to all the crazyness that is Warsong Weekeng, Idachi was bumped up to 55% on her PvP rank! Nearly 5500 more honor and she'll be Master Sergeant Idachi! How official-sounding!

Monday, October 09, 2006

That naïve cube!

  • Everyone's favorite Paladin, Idachi, is the big 4-9 today!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

You eliminated Bill! Billiminator!


  • Nol the Frost Mage is now level 15! Like Shen, he had no new spells to learn, but he doesn't have much money, so he still has a few level 14 spells he's yet to get!

  • Nol was invited into Forus of Meretrices. What the hell does that name mean? I have no idea, but everytime I google it I wind up with some latin gibberish.

  • The Scourge of Azeroth was disbanded. Although it's sad to see the ol' group broken up, it was probably for the best.
    The best of luck to the former members of the Scourge!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

What's wrong with a kiss, boy? Hmm?

Well, I finally made my WoW journal.
Dorky? Perhaps, but I like to see my in-game progress!


  • Shendir was able to hit 31 out in Stranglethorn today! Huzzah! Unfortunately, there were no spells to learn at 31, so I got to keep all my gold.