- 'nother Kara run on Wed. Did Curator - Chess Event and tried Prince twice, but it was just too late in the evening to go on. It was my first time doing the Romulo and Julianne thing in the Opera House. Since we didn't sync up their death right (augh), we actually had to do the whole event TWICE. I was going to get on Thursday to take on the Prince that night and maybe maybe maybe get my T4 helm, buuuut.....
- ....Blizzard has stopped accepting my credit card and frozen my account! Yep. Quite an unusual predicament. The card expires next month, which is probably the cause of it. I mean, what else could it be? Mad hax? A replacement card will come in soon, so if I can't play for a week or two or something I won't be too bummed out, as long as I can play before the next attempt at Gruul's. Maybe this is a subtle sign from the people at Blizzard: "Becca, focus less on your epics and more on your DEGREE". I just hope that's the cause and it's not anything more serious than that because...
- ...the guild has moved the Kara runs to Saturday and Sunday, which means I could be raiding as often as I was in the summer! Go figure; as soon as I get the chance to raid more often, all this card crap happens. It's like raaay-ee-aaaaaain on my wedding day, or however the song goes.
Friday, September 21, 2007
But that isn't logical, is it? It must've been one of them "Unidentified Flying Cupcakes".
Friday, September 14, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Grood! ...I mean good. And great. ...Great and good.

No, it's not madness (or Sparta), I just wanted to give the ol' balance tree a go for a few levels. You know, spice things up. At the time of writing, she's 45% through level 53. Shen's gonna finish the level as a moonkin so I can see how it goes. I'm using this talent tree at the moment, because I just don't think I can give up Omen of Clarity and Nature's Swiftness.
If you'll excuse me, my wind rider just landed in Felwood; I've got some work to do.

No, it's not madness (or Sparta), I just wanted to give the ol' balance tree a go for a few levels. You know, spice things up. At the time of writing, she's 45% through level 53. Shen's gonna finish the level as a moonkin so I can see how it goes. I'm using this talent tree at the moment, because I just don't think I can give up Omen of Clarity and Nature's Swiftness.
If you'll excuse me, my wind rider just landed in Felwood; I've got some work to do.
- Just finished leveling Shen to 54 and I LOVE YOU, MOONKIN FORM. Seriously.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Don't listen to him. He's trying to lead you down the "path of righteousness". I'm gonna lead you down the path that ROCKS!

And there it is.

And there it is.
Seriously though, we tried Gruul's for the first time today and obviously met with little success. Between the lack of DPS and fact that we were short six people, it was kinda obvious we weren't going to one-shot the dungeon any time soon. While it may not sound like we really accomplished anything, I think we learned a lot about the correct positioning and who tanks what and such. I'll be crawling all over YouTube in the next few days seeing how other guild have been doing it.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
I'm not against some "monkey catching." But I'd rather be collecting pants.
Oh, wow. Remember when I used to play WoW? Good times.
Seriously, though, school started on the 27th, and I've been busy with that and homework and buying books and such. I've only got MWF classes this semester, which means I'll still get to raid a few nights a week, but only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Since Tuesdays & Thursdays are my off days, I can stay up all Mon/Wed/Fri night and not have to worry about accidentally sleeping through my alarm and/or first class....anyway,
Seriously, though, school started on the 27th, and I've been busy with that and homework and buying books and such. I've only got MWF classes this semester, which means I'll still get to raid a few nights a week, but only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Since Tuesdays & Thursdays are my off days, I can stay up all Mon/Wed/Fri night and not have to worry about accidentally sleeping through my alarm and/or first class....anyway,
- Nol is now 41, woot woot! I honestly didn't think he was going to level today, but after going from 15% to 50% in less than an hour, I couldn't resist. Nol also got a swanky new [Icefury Wand] today from that damn mage quest I've been meaning to get to. Beats the hell out of my crappy [Goblin Igniter], plus I can't say no to anything with frost damage! Now all I need is [Whitemane's Chapeau] and I will be a happy little mage.
- Also, I've considered rolling another dr00d; an Alliance dr00d this time so I don't blatantly follow in Shendir's footsteps. I've wanted to go full balance with Shen for SUCH a long time, but I just can't give up healing because that's just how I roll (ba-dum-pssh). My only qualm is that I don't like replaying classes and this new druid might not go very far, which would really bum me out. Of course, the only class I've ever replayed was a hunter, and hunters are kinda dull no matter what spec you choose.
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