So, normally I hate elves of any type, but I figured I'd give Shadow Warrior a shot.
(that was a pun)
I wasn't really overwhelmed. Hell, I wasn't even whelmed. So far, shadow warriors are just Night Elf hunters without the pets. They've got this 'Scout Stance' thing that boosts your ballistic damage which is kinda cool, but otherwise it's very humdrum. I'm not going to totally

Have I mentioned arcing yet? Characters who use bows in WAR will actually fire their shots in an arc, which delights the Realism Nazi in me to no end. Watching the arrow fly in an arc and eventually hit its target is the main reason I've kept playing.
The High Elf area is okay. Very woodsy, which is a welcome change from all the dusty Ork camps and grimdark Chaos ruins I've been running through recently. There's just something about playing Order...it almost seems like the developers aren't done with them yet. One out of every 20-or-so arrows I shot at a target would freak out and jiggle around the target. And let's not forget the Scooty Corpses. I've got a video I'm trying to upload that explains it better, but it seems to be taking forever.
In slightly more interesting news, I've begun taking Grubuk to some of the other starting areas and doing their public quests to get some better armor (read: I want some damn shoulderpads). It would appear that public quests that aren't native to one's race have slower influence gain

Speaking of public quests: You Tyrion Order bastards! Stop seizing control of everything! Look what you've done to our Rally Master!
EDIT: More changes I've found have been added to yesterday's post, under the (Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-)Changes header.
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