I figured I'd roll a Shaman this time around, and thus Grubuk was born.
I sill haven't quite figured out their gimmick. So far, I know there are two separate WAAAGH

Anyway, Mork and Gork WAAAGH meters. It seems that the more damaging spells you do, the less time you have to spend casting healing spells (and vice versa). I'm only like 75% sure on this, so I may be wrong.
Once again, all my healing spells seem to be HoTs. It reminds me of healing with Shendir (not that that's a bad thing).
They've done a bit of work in the two weeks since Preview Weekend 1, and I figured I'd note them for posterity.
- The Influence-O-Meter has been moved to the top of the screen, near the Group Quest progress window. It also now tells you what chapter you're on. Looks like they've also made the Scenario button bigger (and bluer). Not sure why though.
- The "You Have Died! But don't worry, it's a part of the game!" message has been replaced with a big tombstone-looking image with "YOU HAVE BEEN KILLED" etched into it. I think I like the friendlier one more.
- Rolling for Group Quest loot has been slightly reworked. The outcome now appears in a more-noticeable window under the Group Quest progress window.
- Little helpful hints have been added. They pop up whenever it's your first time doing something. I wish they would have had these in closed beta, I could have actually tried out Pyn's apothecary skill.
- They've implemented the "one realm per sever" rule, which means if I wanted to fiddle around with High Elf again (not bloody likely) I'd have to roll it on a different sever. Speaking of which, where is ol' Kraka Drak? I new our closed beta characters would be deleted, but I didn't expect the whole server to be gone!
- The Tome of Knowledge window that pops up on occasion has been changed slightly, and the icons on the tabs in the Tome have been modified as well (you can sort of see the old Bestiary icon in the picture).
- They reworked the flying maps, but I forgot to save a picture of the old ones (I swore I had one somewhere)...you're just gonna have to trust me, the old one looked like an old Powerpoint flow chat. Little black boxes with words in them and arrows leading to different boxes. The new one is much fancier.
More pictures:

In loving memory of Gronogg the Lint Loota, and his awesome pauldrons.
1 comment:
Guess who... no really guess... I don't think you are guessing hard enough... pffft fine, its me Zammi. Hey there Kiddo long time no talkie how you been? hope things are going awesome for you, haven't talked to you in ages, any way just wanted to say hi, hopefully ttyl.
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